I’m Karine, FINE-ART photographer based in Belgium.
My interest in photography started several decades ago when I bought my first 35mm camera which I used mainly for documenting my kids ‘childhood.
As they grew older and left home,
I took a Macro Flower photography class and bought my first DSLR and a 100mm macro lens and from that day on
I was constantly observing my surroundings
looking to find beauty in the ordinary
I love all the vibrant bold colours that can be found in nature.
By using specialty lenses such as Lensbaby and textures in Photoshop
I created a painterly style.
Later on I developed a love for impressionist and abstract photography,
and started to use a variety of different techniques,
such as multiple exposures blended in-camera and in post-processing,
or ICM, intentional camera movement.
NowI find it exciting to explore this new world of photography
and to try express myself through my images.
I hope you enjoy your visit on my website.
If you want to ask me a question or just want to drop me a line
you can